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    Начало -> Иностранный язык -> Темы по английскому за 10 класс

Название:Темы по английскому за 10 класс
Раздел:Иностранный язык
Ссылка:none(0 KB)
Описание: Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hors before departure time. They must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Most airports have at least 2 classes of travel, first class

Часть полного текста документа:

1. Speak about the most striking traits of peoples character
    During our life we get in touch with many people. We all know a password: "So many characters, so many people " and it is really true. Character is the most important thing in a person which attracts or repulses other people. Each of us has his or hers good and bad features of character, but some of them come to the fore that's why we can say : "He is a bad man , because he is rude or impertinent . And he is a good man because he is courageous, generous, kind-hearted . I have many friends & a lot of acquaintances and they are all different . Some of them are very kind-hearted and friendly some are not so kind but they are devoted friends and always help me and their friends, but they can be very cold or indifferent to other people. Also some feature have a double nature example: modesty or perseverance and others. Modest people are usually polite, quite, but sometimes they tend to be too reticence. Persevering people can become obstinate. As for me I like devotedness , wittiness , kindness, friendliness , in people. I think that there are 2 sorts of kind people. The first sort is really ,kind-hearted people who are always ready to help all people in the world no matter what social position they have The other sort who only try to look kind and friendly. But they are friendly only with people whom they interested in. I hate such people because you don't know if they are really good or only want to look friendly and I cannot trust them. A lot of things can change a person's character. If you are a kind man and you has grow up with rude, cruel people you can become the like them or vice versa a bad man can become kind. Some people have a strong character and they can try to change and become good. For example people why often let of their steam it is necessary to control themselves and so on. Every character forms in the society therefore in the society determines one's character. Also I believe that Signs of Zodiac influence one's character. Every Symbol has own features common for all people born under this symbol. For example I'm Libra ,in my Horoscope it says that in me there are 2 persons. And other good and bad features. But I also believe that everyone can change his character, adding more good or bad features. 2. Travelling by air .Give your counter reasons in fever of flying.
    It is very interesting to travel. You can see other countries, continents, you acquainted with other people , their traditions and customs. You can travel by car , by train, by air, by sea. If you like to see the nature, and you enjoy the process of travelling and you have a route it will be easier if you travel by car. Travelling by train is usually chosen by people who have enough time to get from one place to another . Travelling by air usually preferred by people who haven't got much time and they must quickly get to another city, country or continent. Nowadays there are a lot of businessmen who have to communicate with people from other countries. Every day they must sign a lot of contracts. Sometimes they have to sign several contracts within one day ,for example in France and in Spain .And if there were no planes it would be impossible. Each of us has a lot of relatives and friends. Some of them live in other countries. For example you live in Russia, Moscow and you have some relatives in France or in Britain. You certainly can get to GB by train , and by sea but it will take you a lot of time. It would be easier if you choose a plane. Imagine that something has happened to your friends and you are need very immediately. The plane will help you in this case. Nowadays we try to use fast means of travelling such as a modern high-speed railway in France and certainly planes. As for trains there are railway stations , for planes there are airports. In every airport there are some formalities without which you cannot come or leave the country .At first it is Customs. Every country has it's regulations. Then you are given luggage tags and boarding passes. The last is the Passport control. When you decide to travel by air you can buy first and economy class tickets. The first class is more comfortable than economy and it is always more expensive .In spite of first class tickets being very expensive have some advantages over economy. At first it is more comfortable seats. The dinner is much better then in economy class , and if you have bought a first class ticket you can have 30 kg luggage free of charge. Also you have a private emergency exit for the first class passages only. You have one more advantage : you can take any drinks free. Although flying by plane is very fast it has some inconveniences. There is a jet-lag, a difference between the time you are accustomed to and the new time. At first you won't be very well because of it , but don't worry - it won't take you long to get used to it. As a whole to fly by planes is pleasant and convenient 3 . Speak about airport formalities
    Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hors before departure time. They must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. Most airports have at least 2 classes of travel, first class and economy class, which is cheaper. Each passenger of more than 2 years of age has free luggage allowance. Generally this limit is 20 kg for economy class passengers and 30 kg for first class passengers, excess luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of charge. The rules for passengers who are going abroad are similar in most countries but sometimes there might be a slight difference in formalities. If , for instance , you are supposed to begin with going through the Customs, you'd better fill in the customs declaration before you talk to the customs officer. ............

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