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Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание:The use of the emphasises the place simply as a building. The use without the suggests that the place is being used for its proper function as an institution, i.e. a place of learning, healing etc.

Часть полного текста документа:

Unit 1 Articles The use of articles in English is complex, and there are a lot of exceptions that need to be remembered and learned. Here are the basic rules. 1 A/an Use a/an to refer to a singular countable noun which is indefinite - either we don't know which one, or it doesn't matter which one. They live in a lovely house. I'm reading a good book at the moment. She's expecting a baby. Use a/an to describe what something or someone is. That's an instrument for measuring distance. She's a lawyer. 2 The Use the before a singular or plural noun, when both the speaker and the listener know which specific object is being referred to. They live in the green house on top of the hill. The book I'm reading is all about the emancipation of women. Mind the baby! She's near the fire. The sweater I bought is blue. Use the before a noun if it is the only one (the Queen, the Earth, the Atlantic). Also use it with certain public places, especially when referring to them in a general way: I went to the theatre last night. I have to go to the bank. It should also be used when referring to general groups of people (the French, the rich and famous) 3 Zero article Use no article with plural and uncountable nouns when talking about things in general. Compare the use of articles in the following sentences. Money is the root of all evil. (general) Put the money on the table. (specific) Love conquers all. (general). The love I have for you will last for ever. (specific) Gas is cheaper than electricity. (general) I forgot to pay the bill, and now the gas has been cut off. (specific) 4 Final points Notice the difference between the use of articles in the following sentences: My daughter is at school. The meeting will be held at the school. I go to church on Sundays. The firemen went to the church to put out the fire. He was rushed to hospital immediately. I'm going to the hospital to visit him. The use of the emphasises the place simply as a building. The use without the suggests that the place is being used for its proper function as an institution, i.e. a place of learning, healing etc. Pubs, hotels, theatres, and cinemas usually have the the Prince William the London Hilton the Albany Empire the Odeon Some geographical areas have the. seas the Mediterranean rivers the Seine; the Mississippi island groups the Seychelles mountain groups the Alps deserts the Sahara Streets, roads, and squares etc. in towns usually have no article. Oxford Street Portobello Road Hyde Park Leicester Square Victoria Station Other nouns which take no article are: lakes Lake Superior, Lake Victoria countries Spain, Norway, China continents Asia, Europe The following types of noun take no article when referred to generally: games squash, football, chess academic subjects medicine, literature, physics abstract nouns freedom, understanding meals dinner, tea, breakfast Compare these sentences: Do you prefer hockey or football? The football they play in America is different from the kind they play in England. Dinner is usually at eight o'clock. The dinner they served yesterday was the best I remember. PRACTICE 1 Fill each gap (if necessary) with a suitable article. 1 - What's her job?
    - She's ___ teacher. 2 Britain is ___ island. 3 Excuse me, can I ask ___ question? 4 What do you usually have for ___ lunch? 5 Is there ___ life on Mars? 6 Can you tell me ___ time, please? 7 ___ air is so fresh today. 8 She has ___ long brown hair. 9 Is she ___ English? 10 Where's ___ bag? It's gone! 11 Would you like ___ coffee? 12 She works six days ___ week. 2 In this exercise you have to put in a / an or the. Example: There was __a__ man and __a__ woman in the room. _The_ man was English but _the_ woman looked foreign. She was wearing __a__ fur coat. 1 This morning I bought _____ newspaper and _____ magazine. _____ newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where _____ magazine is. 2 My parents have _____ cat and _____ dog. _____ dog never bites _____ cat but _____ cat often scratches _____ dog. 3 I saw _____ accident this morning. _____ car crashed into _____ wall. _____ driver of _____ car was not hurt but _____ car was quite badly damaged. 4 When you turn into Lipson Road, you will see three houses: _____ red one, _____ blue one and _____ white one. I live in _____ white one. 5 We live in _____ old house in _____ middle of the village. There is _____ beautiful garden behind _____ house. _____ roof of _____ house is in very bad condition. 3 Read these sentences carefully. Some are correct, but some need the (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary. Examples: Everest was first climbed in 1953. Right Milan is in north of Italy. Wrong - the north of Italy 1 Last year we visited Canada and United States. 2 Africa is much lager than Europe. 3 South of England is warmer than north. 4 We went to Spain for our holidays and swam in Mediterranean. 5 Tom has visited most countries in western Europe. 6 A friend of mine used to work as a reporter in Middle East. 7 Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps. 8 Malta has been a republic since 1974. 9 Nile is longest river in Africa. 10 United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Unit 2 Prepositions Prepositions of place and directions Main points * You normally use prepositional phrases to say where a person or thing is, or the direction they are moving in. * You can also use adverbs and adverb phrases for place and direction. * Many words are both prepositions and adverbs. 1 You use prepositions to talk about the place where someone or something is. Prepositions are always followed by a noun group, which is called the object of the preposition. above below in opposite through among beneath inside outside under at beside near over underneath behind between on round He stood near the door. ............

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