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    Начало -> Иностранный язык

Название:Adam Smith
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: After two centuries, Adam Smith remains a towering figure in the history of economic thought. Known primarily for a single work, An Inquiry into the nature an causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), the first comprehensive system of political economy, Smith is more properly regarded as a social philosopher whose economic writings constitute only the capstone to an overarching view of political a

Название:Finanzierung In Deutschland
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Fur uns ist Deutschland als Staat mit der hoch entwickelten Wirtschaft sehr interessant, sofern unsere Wirtschaft eine Erfahrung der Existenz unter Marktbedingungen braucht. Die Tatigkeit des Betriebs steht bei der Marktwirtschaft in engen Zusammenhang mit der Finanzierung. Finanzierung wird als Beschaffen und Bereitstellen von Zahlungsmitteln fur betriebliche Zwecke der verschiedensten

Название:British Art, Theatre, Music
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: There was little pictorial art in England until the great miniaturists of the Tudor epoch. There were portraits on a large scale, but they were in the main, of foreign origin, notably Dutch like Holbein. Then came Hogarth, the first great native painter born at the end of the 17th century, famous for both engravings and oil paintings, he was followed by Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792) famous for his

Название:My Week-day
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth with, a tooth-brush. This does not take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes. Then I dress and sit down to table to have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and bread and butter. Af

Название:British Literature
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain. One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He draw ideas for his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language. William Sha

Название:British Homes
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: There are 22 million homes in Britain — big homes and small homes, old cottages and new buildings, houses and flats. (Americans say "apartment" but British people say "flat"). Many British people love old houses and these are often more expensive than modern ones. They also love gardening and you will see gardens everywhere you go: in towns, villages and out in the coun

Название:Customs Service
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Реферат по английскому языку Студентки IV курса Факультета иностранных языков Полищук Валерии Сергеевны, гр.АФ 41/2 Chapter I - What is customs? Customs is an authority or agency in a country responsible for collecting and safeguarding customs duties and for controlling the flow of goods including anim

Название:Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Chapter 1 Introduction Exploration - a historical phenomenon. As craft, it is perhaps not the oldest, but surely the second. The variety of views of various historians on the social nature of intelligence and espionage combines them into one - they all agree on the fact that the secret services are at least 33 centuries. More precisely, they were born when the war began. In any military conf

Название:Аналіз вокальних методик другої половини ХХ століття: на прикаді методичного досвіду І. Прянішникова, В. Луканіна, В. Самарцева
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Магістерська робота За спеціальністю 8.02207 „Музичне мистецтво” Луганський національний педагогічний університет імені Тараса Шевченка Луганськ 2008 Вступ Розвиток вітчизняної вокальної школи триває вже майже дв

Название:Поняття , ознаки та види господарських товариств
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Курсова робота з дисципліни : Підприємницьке право Виконала студентка V курсу групи ПД – 5.1. Кіяніцина О.С. Міжгалузевий інститут управління Київ – 2007 Вступ Актуальність теми полягає у тому, що вона є однією із ва

Название:My Flat (1)
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание:Flat (1) We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chute to carry rubbish down There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the room we have a sq

Название:Yuri Gagarin — a Modern Columbus
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: April 12, 1961 will never be forgotten. On that day Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin was launched into space. He circled the globe in the spaceship "Vostok" for 108 minutes. Gagarin was taking an enormous risk, because at that time nobody knew how a human being would stand up to space flight. Before Yuri Gagarin was launched into outer space he met the people who had prepared the rocket. He thanked

Название:About My Family
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is fortyone, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a born teacher. She has teaching abilities. My Dad is forty-two, he is a professional painter, he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much. My elder sister Natasha is nineteen, she goes t

Название:My School (1)
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание:My School (1) As you become older you realize that there are several essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you went to. My school was a three-storeyed building situated in one of the residential districts of our city (town, settlement). All the children from the neighbourhood went there because it was a walking distan

Название:English Has no Equals!
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: On the 5th of September 1977, the American spacecraft Voyager One blasted off on its historic mission to Jupiter and beyond. On board the scientists who knew that Voyager would one day spin through distant star systems had installed a recorded greeting from the people of the planet Earth. A brief message in fifty-five different languages for the people of outer space plays a statement from

Название:Youth Problems
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: One of the actual youth problems is hardness to get an education. A lot of young people think that education is inaccessible because of lack of money. They would like to get a high education, but it could be very difficult to enter the university or very expensive. Unemployment is another great problem among youth. Difficulty which young people face is to find a good job after graduation.

Название:British education
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: British education helps us to develop fully the abilities of individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole. Compulsory schooling takes place between the agers of 5 and 16, but some pupils remain at shool for 2 years more, to prepare for further higher education. Post shool education is organized flaxebly, to provide a wide range of opportunities for academic and vacational educati

Название:Come Rain or Shine
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. December, January and February are winter months. Days are short and nights are long The weather is cold, rivers and lakes are usually frozen. The ground is covered with snow, so a lot of people go skating and skiing. Also it is pleasant to walk when it is not very cold and it snows. March, April and May are spring mont

Название:Английские фамилии
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Цель работы. Изучить историю образования английских фамилий. Изучить лексический аспект фамилий. A name – if the party had a voice What mortal would be a Bugg by choice, As a Hogg, a Grubb or a Chubb rejoice

Название:A (Very) Brief History of the English Language
Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание:Очень краткая история английского языка.


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